

Data. Please. We're programmers. We supposedly write data processing programs.

There's all these programs that don't have any data in them.

All these constructs we put around it and globbed on top of data.

Data is actually really simple. There's not a tremendous number of variations in the essential nature of data.

There are maps, there are sets, there are linear sequential things. There's not a lot of other conceptual categories of data.

[In OO] We create hundreds of thousands of variations that have nothing to do with the essence of the stuff, and make it hard to write programs that manipulate the essence of the stuff.

We should just manipulate the essence of the stuff!"

- Rich Hickey Simple-Made-Easy


Teknik Praktis Clojure by Muhammad Ridho is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal




Random contents will temporarily reside here before goes to proper place.

Install on Windows

Note: sesuaikan versi nya dalam contoh ini sesuai dengan https://download.clojure.org/install/linux-install-*** yang ada di https://clojure.org/guides/install_clojure, untuk saat ini (12-Juli-2023) versinya adalah

Kita simpen dulu file powershell script instalan nya sbb:

Invoke-WebRequest `
 -UseBasicParsing https://download.clojure.org/install/win-install- `
 -OutFile clj-win-install.ps1

Lalu jalankan file script tersebut:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Unrestricted


Akan muncul prompt menanyakan dimana lokasi module ps clojure nya akan diinstall, pilih 1.

Setelah selesai, cek dulu apakah sudah terinstall dengan benar:

Get-Command clojure
Get-Command clj

Selanjutnya, pada saat kita jalankan command clojure atau clj untuk pertama kali, maka paket-paket dependensi yang dibutuhkan akan mulai didownload dan disimpan.

clojure -M -e '(println :hello)'